Assessment 3

Target Audience

Films which are rated at 15, means that those aged 15 and above are able to view the film. This also mean that no one under the age of 15 can view the film at cinema or rent or buy DVD's and Games at this rated certificate. This also applied to rated 18 films. 

The films must not show violent behavior or language to the audience, it can show drug/alcohol abuse but mustn’t promote it within the film. The genre of horror can show strong abuse and threatening gestures. Characters behavior such as being hung, suicidal happenings and self-harming can be shown in horror, but not constantly appealing throughout the film as the audience watching could imitate or copy it and therefore lead to dangerous incidents. Weapons such as guns and other harmful weapons should not be in the audience’s face as a centre point all the time as it could give a fright or be a bit nervous for the audience. Strong language is used a lot in horror as it shows the tension the characters are feeling, words such as ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ are main strong language words used quite a lot in horror as it can relate to anyone’s feelings.

       The use of nudity is allowed in a sexual content but not with strong detail or references, along with sex can be portrayed without strong activity being shown. There can be strong verbal references to sexual behavior, but strongest references won’t be allowed unless the context is necessary. There is generally no theme around this age category as long as the film is appropriate for 15 year olds. There can be strong violence in 15 films but shouldn’t dwell on the behavior or injuries. Strong ‘gory’ images are unlikely to be seen in 15 films along with sexual violence such as rape. If there was to be sexual violence, it would have to justified strongly, although there can be references to this behavior.

This specific rating, films can only be viewed by adults (people of age 18+). Although it is pretty much the same as rated 15 films, R18 films can be stretched to more extreme things. This could be that the film has used a great deal of strong language or explicit scenes of sexual activity. The film could also encourage violent behavior or harm to individuals, for example: detailed scenes of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use within the film. Also sexual violence, for example, could endorse sexual assault. 

Horror Genre

Horror films are also known as: chillers, scary movies, spook fests and the macabre. The horror genre began in the late 1800's and one of the first horror movies to be made was Le Manoir du diable, also know as 'The House of the Devil. To this day horror films are still being watched and this is one of the most favourite watched genre's. A reason why people seem to like horror films is because it brings out their fear and it's almost like being taken on a rollercoaster as it realeases it's audiences adrenalin. The horror genre has been invented to cause fear and panic, to release our hidden worst fears and to give the audience an entertaining but yet a horrifying experience. Horror films effectively center the most alarming events, emphasise on the forbidden and the strange and also give people thier worst nightmares.